An intimate performance for one designed to transport you to your very own highschool prom. Wear the crown and become my prom-king. Think tears, lost prom queens and crimped hair.
Slowdance was commissioned for Grin and Bare It Festival (SCIPMYLO), and was first performed there at Shoreditch Town Hall Basement Gallery, London in 2011.
"I should have known from the title thatGrin and Bare It at Shoreditch Town Hall wasn't going to be your average comedy event. In fact this mix of theatre, performance, installation and comedy proved a provocative and moving experience. Left to wander through the crumbling cellars of the town hall the audience encounters a cast of tragic-comic characters each inhabiting their own room/world: a sobbing prom-queen draws audience members into a slow dance straight out of 80s teen-movies. She drapes herself over her partners, bleeding appalling neediness, looking hopefully into their eyes, already expecting the inevitable rejection…. These committed and resourceful performers have pulled Grin and Bare It together on a shoe-string. They should be supported and applauded. They have created an evening that is unsettling, funny and genuinely moving." (Orlando Seale, audience member)